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carb diet

Hi, i'm an avid athlete, probably do about 45 minutes worth of serious cardio (heart rate is generally in the 140-180 range during this time) about 4 times a week atleast. I've been doing this, and switching up my routine (as of recently) to lose that last 15 lbs. The only thing that's really been succesful for me is a low carbohydrate diet. Now, having said that- i have done the adkins diet, to the extreme (nomore then like 20 g of carbs) and it was very successful, however this is not my intention. I am very carb sensitive and now i just want to start losing weight with a low-med carb input so i can succesfuly lose again but not to the extremes of going into full ketosis and losing biotin and all that good stuff. Since you have an idea of what i'm trying to do here, please give me an idea of how many carbs i should be taking in a day, please try and stay away from like the percentage ansers cause i'm looking more for like gram wise portions............ Both would be great.... The carbs i would be taking in would probably be just fruits and vegetables, no breads.  

Dear D.,

I would advise you to watch carb:fat:protein ratios rather than counting carbs. It isn't easy to instruct you in answering this question since it takes a kind of diet education to be able to do it on your own. But I have a good news for you. Our detailed diet plan employing exact ratios in its food lists, recipes and menus is online and is free. Why wouldn't you give it a try? The URL is http://bantadiet.com

I'll be happy to help you through the beginning and further on the diet.

Tanya Zilberter, PhD
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