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weight loss with high nutri diet

i am a 21 year boy weight 286 pounds i want to lose weight. i have heard of many types of diet plan & have chosen liquid diet plan, since it is effective & also suits me but i have also learned that it has quite a lot side effect since it is only liquid based. so i have prepared a diet plan for me which has some solid food also .

breakfast - Quaker oats (1 bowl)
           2 mangoes (since they are high in complex sugar which will give me energy to last throughout the day.)

lunch - apple

snack - pineapple juice

dinner - milk

pls give me your view on this diet plan, is this good or not & can you give me a rough idea that how much will be the total amount of calorie of this diet.

Congratulations on making the decision to lose weight!!!  It seems as if you have put a lot of thought into the decision and what weight loss method would be right for you and I would be happy to help you with your weight loss goals by answering your questions.

I ran the information you gave me through the diet analysis program I use.  (Since you did not provide a height or activity level I used a height of 5'10" and a sedentary activity level.)  To maintain your current weight of 286 pounds, you would need to consume roughly 3,485 calories.  You obviously do not want to consume that many or you will not lose weight!  Cutting 250-500 calories per day is usually recommended for weight loss, which would put your calorie needs at roughly 3,000 calories per day.  The diet plan you presented provides approximately 1,185 calories.  You may think that is great, but cutting calories that much may cause your metabolism to slow.  Some people think adding Tabasco sauce or other hot spices to their food or exercising more will help prevent their metabolism from slowing, but such efforts have not been scientifically proven as beneficial for your health in the long run.

Liquid diets do cause you to lose weight.  The main reason is it is much more difficult to drink as many calories as you eat.  However, it is also much more difficult to drink as many nutrients as you need, also.  For example, in the diet plan you provided, you are below 50% of your recommended daily needs for protein, niacin, folate, vitamin D, and zinc.  You are also below 75% of your needs for vitamin B12, vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.  By adding fruit, you have prevented a fiber deficiency, another common shortfall of liquid diets, so congratulations with that decision!  Another problem is liquid-based diets are only followed short-term; once you begin eating more solid foods, you will probably see most of the weight come back.  

Since you said a liquid diet suits you, I would recommend you continue to increase fluid intake but not necessarily call it a "diet" (think of it as more of a life-style change).  By drinking a lot of water and milk, you will find it takes less food to satisfy you at snacks and meals which should contribute to weight loss.  You are doing great with the fruit, maybe you can try adding some vegetables, a protein source, and some more whole grains.  You should also find time to add some physical activity to your day so you are maintaining/building muscle while you are losing weight.

Thank you for contacting me.  I wish you the best of luck!  Please contact me again if you have any further questions.
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