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Diet for children or teens?

I am 5'2 11 year old.I wiegh 135.5 pounds and get teased.I wanna get to 100 or below by this summer but dont know how.I want to have a exersize and diet plan

Dear Sara,

First, it's hard to tell about "normal" body weight for children: more is known about teens but you're almost a teen, aren't you?

A great part of teenagers' body weight problem can be not being really overweight but poor body image, including how they feel about their bodies themselves.

Figure out whether you are overweight or not. The only real indicator of your body composition is body fat percent. You don't need to buy anything but measuring tape. Make the following measurements:


Download your own body fat calculator at this URL:

Enter your measurements into the spreadsheet and see your results.

Body fat percent for 14-19 years old girls is between 20 and 24, depending on body frame (wide or narrow)

Body fat for 14-19 years old boys is between 15 and 20 percent.

This calculator will also help you to figure out your fitness level. Improving your fitness is good for both overweight and "normal" kids.

Some general advice:

1. Move more. Take more gym or dance classes, use your bike to get to school if possible, ask you parents to buy you a simple inexpensive stair climber and go climbing when you watch TV, talk by phone, or whenever you have time.

2. Stop eating any junk food, sugary foods, sweets - unless they are artificially sweetened. Choose whole grain breads instead of white one, have vegetables for side dishes instead of pastas, rice, potatoes, etc.

3. Eat more:

- leafy green veggies
- olive oil
- nuts and seeds
- fish
- fresh fruits and berries
- yogurt (no sugar added or with sweetener or fresh fruit)
- green tea instead of sodas

It isn't advised that teens go on a very low calorie diet unless their doctor proscribes it. Teens need a lot of energy: teenage boys need about 2,500 to 3,000; teenage girls need about 2,200 calories and usually, teens have no problem with this requirement. However, they should note where the calories come from: fatty snacks like chips and carb-rich sodas contain very little nutrients per calories they have.

Calcium and iron are two essential nutrients for teens because they help build strong bones when the bone growth is going on very fast. Iron helps to supply kids with energy. Weakness and fatigue in teens can be signs of a shortage of iron.

Teen girls, which are trying to be thin can be getting too little of good fats like omega-3. Meanwhile, omega-3 fat is good for healthy skin, hair, and the immune system. It's also been shown to reduce depression - a condition not so rare in teens.

Tip: the all-you-can-eat teens foods

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