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Which diet can reduce triglycerides?

I have a triglyceride level of 550 and need to lower it considerable. I do not have high cholesterol or diabetes but I am extremly overweight. I am looking for an outline of a balanced diet that will take off weight and reduce my triglycerides quickly.  Please help

Hello Janet,

First of all, let's define what the term 'balanced diet' mean. If it means that there's a diet providing your body with all needed nutrients while being low in calories, forget about it, there's no such thing. All and any reducing diet just can not be balanced because the 50 recognized essential nutrients come coupled with 4.500 to 10.000 Cal. a day. This is possible only for people with extremely intensive physical work or for elite athletes.

However, if 'balanced' mean that on a calorie-restricted diet, the ratio of major macronutrients - carb, protein, and fat - is being maintained, that's possible but in this case, forget about getting all essential nutrients. Plus, the idea of concrete 'correct' ratio differs from diet to diet. The closest to official ratio is the Zone diet. The most efficient for weight loss are Atkins type diets.

As to the triglycerides part of your question, there's been times when doctors advised you to go on a low fat diet to reduce your blood lipid profile. However, recent research showed than in the long run, low carb diets work better.

If you are ready to consider the temporarily unbalanced low carb, higher-fat diet that really can help you lose weight as it did for many dieters since 2002, take a look at http://bantadiet.com - it's free.

Tanya Zilberter
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