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You R GR8


i can upon this site by accident.

glad to see that you are here helping people.

i didn't know that you were doing a modified warrior diet, i have always liked it, but the eating of cooked food at night did not help me.

so, i think that i am going to follow in your footsteps, eggs or veg juice in the am, nothing all day, and big meal at night. i feel so much better when i eat this way, full of energy, not hungry and alert. I get so tired when i eat during the day, i always seem to crave a nap.

anyway, you are a great resource and insipration, keep up the good work.

ami moore in chicago
(likes muscle meats hates organ meats except for beef heart)

Well, if that routine works fine for you, that's great.

I feel I ought to mention, though, that I haven't, personally, been following  the Warrior Diet routine exactly  for some time now. I currently do something a bit more radical, in that I only eat (more or less) once every 24 hours, usually finishing the meal within 2 hours at most. I also usually have several (non-consecutive) fast-days over each fortnight(on average 2-3), but I make up for that by eating a little more on the day after each such fast day. It's all to do with a study on Intermittent Fasting(IF).  Scientists showed that mice which ate as much as they wanted on one alternate day, and then forced to fast completely  each 2nd alternate day, lived  as long as those on caloric-restricted diets, but with much more vigour and no health complications. They also lived much longer than those mice fed roughly the same amount of food  on 3-meals a day etc. It's also been noted by a number of people in the past, that a human being's mental alertness/ability to concentrate  etc. increases greatly  on such a gorge-and-famine regime than if one eats all the time.

I can't do the alternate-day routine, as I don't like too rigid a regime, but I have a few fast-days a fortnight which works fine for me, as a compromise.

The way I see it, the Warrior Diet isn't really a faithful copy of our Palaeolithic ancestors' habits, as they would normally have to go without food, sometimes for days at a time, and would normally only eat  once during the day if they did get access to food, and then it would involve large amounts.
Eating small meals in the morning, as the Warrior Diet teaches,  didn't work for me, personally,  as it actually caused fatigue, so I now just eat a large meal, in the early or late evening(for obvious practical reasons), on those days I don't fast. At weekends, of course, I can eat that one meal at any time of day, and prefer eating around lunchtime. This way, I not only get more energy but I also save a lot of time as I hardly ever  have to cook as I'm doing a 99% raw, palaeolithic diet, nor do I have to prepare frequent raw meals throughout the day.

Ultimately, my current diet is more like a raw, non-dairy version of Vilhjalmur Stefansson's diet, with  an emphasis on raw animal fat, raw organ-meats and tiny amounts of  plant-food.

Re organ-meats:- I can understand your reluctance to eat organ-meats. It took me a little while to get to like them, when I first started out,  and I only switched at first because I found raw muscle-meats a bit too bland, and sometimes difficult to chew. Have you tried raw ox-tongue? People usually don't have a problem with that, compared to liver, which many RPDers can't stand.

Thanks for the support, by the way. For various reasons, I'm not fond of giving money to charity as it's so often wasted, but I like the idea of volunteering  some of my free time to helping others, without being paid for it.

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