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Easiest way for me to lose weight

I am a 16 year old male and I weigh about 170 pounds and my height is about 5'7. I would like to be at about 140-145 pounds and lose my man boobs by the end of August.(about 1 and 1/2 months). Could you please advise me how to achieve my goal.

Hi Abe

You should check your hormone levels before you go on a weight loss diet .If theres a hormone imbalance causing your man boobs then you would get slimmer real fast if the hormonal imbnalance is corrected.

here are some tips to help you lsoe weight

Quick-fix diets don't work in maintaining a healthy weight. Here are some tips to eat right forever.

* If you usually skip breakfast, change this habit Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day for good reason: it enhances learning and physical performance. After 12 to 14 hours without food, your blood sugar is low, you're hungry and your brain - as well as the rest of your body - needs refuelling to start the day. Eat something - anything you like - for a few mornings to get accustomed to the experience. Begin with traditional or nontraditional foods that you enjoy - from cereal to leftover pizza. Try cereal with milk and fruit, a frozen waffle or a flour tortilla with cheese melted in the microwave. If you eat breakfast in the car, take fresh fruit and bite-size pieces of cheese or a sandwich. If you can't face food first thing in the morning, eat something at your first break.

* Try a new fruit or vegetable every week Concentrate on dark-green or richly coloured produce, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals that are linked to a lower risk of cancer and heart disease and to slowing down the aging process. Try different greens, such as kale or Swiss chard, or new fruits, such as mangoes or papayas. If you eat lettuce, select the darker romaine instead of iceberg lettuce for a bigger nutritional hit.

* Season your dishes with herbs and spices instead of butter or gravy Try a flavoured vinegar (for example, raspberry or balsamic) on greens. One tablespoon of oil has 120 calories; one tablespoon of vinegar has fewer than five.

* Substitute a bagel or English muffin for a large muffin The muffin may have more than 400 calories and 15 grams of fat, while the English muffin has fewer than 200 calories and fewer than four grams of fat. If you switch your morning muffin to an English muffin, you'll save more than 1,400 calories over the course of a week.

* Eat more fish It's low in fat, and even fatty varieties, such as salmon, are good sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

* Have a meatless day once a week Try some of the newer vegetarian entr閑s from your local grocery store, or cook meatless chili, bean soup or lentil curry. Beans and lentils have a low glycemic index and may leave you feeling fuller. (See High protein, low carb diets. Are they healthy?)

* Supplement low-calorie frozen dinners with some vegetables or a bowl of soup You'll feel fuller and less likely to eat more later. Always keep a bag of frozen vegetables in your freezer. Add them to pasta, or steam and serve them as a side dish. Or buy fresh precut vegetables.

* Treat yourself once a week If you love chocolate, have a small piece. Other great treats are a skinny latte topped with cocoa, or a scoop of frozen yogurt or chocolate gelato. Enjoy your treats guilt-free!

* If you want to spend some money spend it on a dietitian who can help personalize your eating program, or on a personal trainer who can help you get fit.


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