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raw organs

Hello! Read some of your other posts and found them very informative. Briefly, I'm 29 and have wide variety of health challenges such as hypothyroid, skin issues, chronic infection, multiple food sensitivities, and adrenal exhaustion. I saw Aajonus 2 yrs ago and he said that he my eyes looked very bad and named several serious disease patterns he felt I had.  Any way right now I'm doing raw salmon, chicken and dairy and have recently tried to get into raw organs in hopes of rebuilding and supporting adrenal/thyroid/ entire endocrine system. I've recently got grass fed liver and kidney. I've just tried a
little of each and nearly vomited due to the taste and smell. Have you found in talking to others about the raw diet that men seem to handle raw meats and organs better than most women?? Do you have any suggestion on how to hide the flavor a little or a recommendation on how much to eat??? I think I might only be able to consume small amounts.  If I keep feeling this repulsed I might just have to do raw glandular capsules. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Re taste of organ-meats:-  I've never heard of any distinct difference in tastes,re raw organ-meats, between men and women.

Basically, many people react badly to certain raw organ-meats, at first, partly due to prior social conditioning re cooked-foods etc.. This is also because we're simply not used to raw foods with a relatively strong taste - cooked-food are rather bland, by comparison. What I did, initially, was to cut up and  bolt down  very small amounts(tiny slivers only), without doing any chewing. I would then quickly chase it down with a gulp of (mineral) water. I got used to the various organ-meats over time, with this method. Raw ox-/beef-tongue was the easiest to get used to - I took to it, instantly, the only problem I had was that my teeth were too weak, from years on cooked-food diets,  to handle it, so I had to age the tongue  for a couple of  days to soften it.

I also found raw kidney relatively easy to deal with after a couple of weeks or so. Raw liver and raw suet  took a few months to really start liking, and are my least favourite - a lot of RPDers agree with me re the taste of liver/suet. Raw marrow, heart, tongue, kidneys should be much easier to deal with, tastewise than those two.

One thing that's commonly recommended for newbies is to start eating all your raw animal-meats lightly-cooked(or medium/well-done if you generally prefer that), while also adding any favourite processed sauces you like. Then you start reducing the average cooking-temperature by 1 degree Celsius/Fahrenheit every few days/weeks/months(while also gradually reducing the amounts of sauces), until you eventually get used to the taste of 100% raw meats/organ-meats at room-temperature, on their own(40 degrees Celsius/104 Degrees Fahrenheit is generally considered the mid-point between raw- and cooked-food, so you can still eat it warmed up to that temperature, if you insist, and it'll still be raw).

Some newbies like adding raw spices to their raw-meats , at the start. I did that, initially, using tiny amounts of cayenne-pepper, raw onions, raw garlic etc.However, since many people come to these raw diets with a wrecked digestive-system, I would strongly recommend not overdoing the raw spices, as they can irritate the stomach-lining, in more than minimal amounts.

Don't worry re eating only small amounts, at first. Organ-meats have very high nutrient-levels, compared to muscle-meats, and besides, it takes time to get used to this sort of diet.

(One other thing:- when I went rawpalaeo/Primal, I found out that I developed a strong distaste for raw meats/organ-meats after adding raw dairy into my diet - after 6 months, I discovered that I was allergic to raw dairy, and removed it completely - and my taste for raw-meats/organ-meats  returned. Of course, if you're not allergic to raw dairy, then this isn't an issue).

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