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Faster Weight Loss With Fish Oil Pills

One of the biggest myths about weight loss is that you must keep away from fat so as to shed your undesirable pounds. There’s some truth to this statement, but the avoidance really should only be limited to the “bad fats” – saturated fats and trans-fatty acids. On the other hand, “good fats” like omega-3 fats from fish oil pills have cardio-protective benefits and can help you lose weight.

The poor fats

It is handy to just open a bag of chips or pass by a quick food drive-through when you’re too busy to cook, but these processed foods contain a wealth of two unhealthy fats – saturated fats and trans-fats. Saturated fats are discovered in lard, butter, and palm oil – oils which can be commonly utilized to fry food. Research shows that saturated fat makes your LDL cholesterol levels (the bad cholesterol) skyrocket, rising your risk of cardiovascular illness. When food producers discovered this, they utilized vegetable oil to prepare crackers, French fries, baked goods, and so on. The difficulty is that vegetable oils have a tendency to go rancid with heat. To solve this issue, scientists “hydrogenated” these oils to ensure that foods can survive the processing and have longer shelf lives. Trans-fats are formed out of hydrogenating vegetable oils.

Like saturated fats, trans-fats can increase the threat of cardiac illness by raising LDL cholesterol level. Diets high in trans-fats were also associated to the formation of type II diabetes. And a trans-fat rich meal can lead to increased body weight even should you cut down on the calories you consume.

The very good fats

On the other hand, typical consumption of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids was identified to increase fat metabolism. A study from the International Journal of Obesity looked at the fat metabolism of two various groups of adults – 1 who consumed 6 grams of “bad fats” within the type of sunflower oil and butter, and another that consumed 6 grams of omega-3 fish oils. After 3 weeks, those within the fish oil group burned about 1.1mg of fat per kilo per minute – around 26% greater than the control group. The researchers discovered that omega-3’s impact on fat metabolism is as a consequence of its capacity to lower insulin levels and use much more fat for energy. Insulin is a hormone that prevents cells from using fat as fuel and activates an enzyme that converts carbohydrates into fat; hence, high insulin levels promote the storage of fat for future use.

Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids can increase satiety levels, or the feeling of fullness. A pilot study published in the journal Appetite looked at 232 obese and overweight volunteers and assigned them randomly to a balanced diet plan supplemented with 260mg omega-3 fats or 1,300 omega-3 fats. After eight weeks on this diet, it was identified that those in the high-dose omega-3 group felt fewer hunger pangs immediately after meals and two hours following eating. Blood tests on the participants also revealed that those who consumed more omega-3 fats than omega-6 skilled higher satiety.

Making use of omega-3 for weight loss

Obviously, fish oils alone cannot make you lose pounds like magic. In order to get the most out of your fish oils, you’ll have to cut down on quickly food, processed food, and other foods that contain high concentrations of trans-fats and saturated fats. As mentioned earlier, high amounts of these fats will make you gain weight even in case you lower your total calorie consumption. Stick to lean meats, fish, and vegetables, and attempt to obtain no less than 30 minutes of workout each day.

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