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Join a dance class and lose weight

Robert Przybysz - 123rf.com

Want to burn calories and lose some weight? Join a dance class!

Discover a new hobby

Dancing can be a fun and an enjoyable way to engage in physical activity and burn calories. You can go alone or take a partner with you. It’s also a great way to make new friends and perhaps someone who has similar weight-loss goals as you do.

Maximise calorie burnout

Remember to dress comfortably (and wear appropriate shoes) for the type of dance class that you are joining. In this way, you can achieve the maximum benefit and thus burn more calories.

Need to find a dance class?

If you are looking for a dance class that you could join, ask around or keep a lookout for notices in your local supermarket or library. You could even search online!

Watch what you eat

Don’t forget to take a closer look at your diet as well. Cut out the junk, prepare nutritious and balanced meals and keep snacks healthy too.

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