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Fruits that make the fat disappear!


According to the Wellness Junction, metabolism is the number of calories each person needs to maintain their weight. Fruits are essential to a healthy diet but they can also help to increase metabolism in our bodies and this can help us to lose weight.
Blueberries are a super food for a number of different reasons. One of these reasons, as reported by the Christian Broadcasting Network, is that blueberries contain flavonoids, which cause them to look deep blue in colour. These flavonoids help to boost metabolism by helping the leptin in our bodies work properly. This can help us to lose those stubborn kilos that seemingly will not come off.  Try adding blueberries to your morning cereal to give your body a boost in the morning.
Melons such as watermelon contain high levels of potassium, which is crucial to boost our metabolism. The cells in our bodies need sugar glucose for fuel. A substance called glycogen is stored in our livers and when our blood sugar becomes low the liver releases glycogen into the blood stream to counteract this. Our bodies need potassium to help the liver make the glycogen. Without potassium, our bodies will have a lowered metabolism. Watermelon contains about 225mg of potassium in a single serving. Adding a serving of this kind of fruit to our diets can go a long way with helping with our weight loss goals.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C which has fat burning qualities that help to speed up your metabolism. Eating citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, tangerines and even adding fresh lemon juice to water is a great way to boost your metabolism. Try adding a serving or two of citrus fruits to your diet to help reduce your weight.

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