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what is flaxseed

what is it all i knw is that it is jared letos favourite food is it something vegetarians eat because he is and what are the health benefits of eating flaxseed

Hi Melsy,
Flaxseed is utilized by vegetarians and vegans as a non-animal source of omega-3 fatty acids.  Most "carnivores" get their omega-3's from seafood.  The benefit of flaxseed is that is provides omega-3 to help balance out the ratio of omega-6 that we get from foods high in "bad fat".  Flaxseed is 66% fat.  It is "healthy" unsaturated fat, but from a weight loss perspective can increase the calorie intake easily.  

Many prefer to use ground flaxseed as it is purported to be more easily utilized by the body in ground form.

If you are thinking of adding it to your diet, I say go for it!  Use is sparingly, say a couple times per week.  This will allow your system an opportunity to get used to metabolizing it.  Due to it's high fat content (and the high fat content of most nuts and seeds) I have seen some people have difficulty with digestion.  So start slow with it.

I hope this helps, and please let me know if I can add or clarify anything.

Best of health,
Dr. Bret
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