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Banta Diet Support Group?

Dear Dr. Zilberter,

Is the support group from the Banta diet website still functioning? I have sent in my data twice and have yet to receive a response. I have been on the diet for 3 weeks and have lost 21 lbs and 5% fat, but have never reached high ketosis. I am following the week 1 menu still, but since week 2 have been in Afghanistan where I work and have had to modify it based on what's available. I am sure that I'm eating less than 100 carbs per day, but may not be getting enough fat. I'm eating about 1300 calories and burning 100 from cardio exercising. Any advise concerning the support group and my ketosis level would be appreciated.

Thank you,

M. Smith

Dear Mark,

Congratulation on your spectacular results! Do not worry about the ketosis thing, it only means that the ketone bodies generated due to your fat loss are not used by the body and has to be flushed away. Plus, on week 1 plan, no ketosis is expected. As to the problem with your result submission to bantadiet.com, I'll figure it out but they might be unavailable until Monday. I've submitted a a question just to test the system. If you write to me what foods are available in Afghanistan, I'll calculate their best combination for you, if I'll be able to find at least rough nutritional analysis for them or their analogies.

Until Monday I guess. If I figure anything our, I'll revise this answer. I am so happy about your success!

Tanya Zilberter
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