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food intolerances

2.watching carbs,dairy
3.jog 30 min. daily
4.no medical problems

As i get older,I find myself reacting to certain foods. This reaction is generally abdominal distension and flatulence that wont expel.
It started a few years ago when I began getting hangovers and cold like symptoms after drinking beer.That was fine,I just cut back on the beer.
Then I began getting gas from milk products,so I switched to lactose free milk.
Now I seem to be reacting to carbohydrates,especially potatoes. I had some potato salad for supper at a party last night and I had to undo my pants-very embarassing!
At this rate I will only be able to eat meat and fruits and veggies!
Is this common? I am really bugged about the potatoes-I cant find anything on 'potato intolerance'.
I take digestive enzymes,ginger,and probiotics before and after meals,they only help somewhat.
I have mentioned all this to my doctor,he said to cut out the foods that didagree with me and take the enzymes.
If you could offer any thoughts or direct me somewhere it would be appreciated.  


There are two main causes of gas. The first and most common is swallowed air. If that is your problem, there's not much to be done besides abandoning all airy foods-carbonated drinks, whipped cream, meringue, bread-and taking over the counter gas remedies, usually simethicone, which are very safe to take daily.

The second possibility is that you do have a medical problem. Gas by itself is usually nothing to worry about, but if you've lost any weight since this started, or have noticed any type of change in your stool (color, consistency, size, amount, oiliness) then you'll need to be checked out ASAP. Because you're 50, you're due for a screening colonoscopy anyway, so I would recommend you go ahead and schedule that. The odds of your gas being a symptom of colon cancer are very small, but not zero... so get yourself to the gastroenterologist. The other serious medical condition that can cause gas like this is diabetes, so make sure your regular doctor is checking your blood sugar annually.

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