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E diets

Dear Navin,

I wish to loose about 20 pounds and would like your opinion on edieting. I have looked at 7stepdiet and eDiet (UK) as posibilities. I am currently living in France until April and have the time to diet properly. I have access to a gym and pool - is edieting the best option for me or can you suggest something else. i don't speak much French so the online forums seemed like a good link to the English speaking dieting world. I don't eat meat but do eat fish so this is a consideration. Any help would be appreciated.

Kind Regards


Hi Rebecca

I dont prescribes diets which are short term.My definition of a diet is moderation of so my tips wont give immediate results.I aim for long term weight loss.

Fish is one of the best non veg items as it got the lowest fat content

Although the particulars are different, the basic premise of both diets is similar: The idea is to control your body's hormonal response to food in order to lose weight.

Because you don't burn fat while there are high circulating levels of insulin in the body, elevated insulin levels prevent weight loss and are the dieter's nightmare. Unfortunately, many people are prone to high insulin levels because their bodies simply don't metabolise carbohydrates optimally. For those who have had an ongoing struggle with weight loss, these plans assure that eating high-carbohydrate, low-fat foods is the wrong way to go.

Here's the physiology behind it all: When you eat, your blood sugar goes up. By how quickly and how much depends entirely on the food, the amount, the combination and your own personal biology. In response to this increase in blood sugar, your body secretes the hormone insulin, which in turn helps 慹scort' that sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cells.

In some people, however - especially those who have been eating a high-carbohydrate diet for years and have been sedentary as well -- this mechanism doesn't work in an ideal way. The typical high-carbohydrate, high-sugar meal causes blood sugar to rise quickly and stay up there. The body has to secrete more and more insulin to bring it down. Over time, the body becomes less sensitive to the insulin, requiring even greater amounts to get the job done. The result is high circulating levels of insulin, cravings, mood swings and tremendous difficulty in losing weight. The muscle cells become more and more resistant to the effects of insulin, and the body becomes more efficient at storing sugar in the fat cells.

* Eat a nutritious breakfast.
   * Make small changes...eat fruit for a snack or stop eating junk food for lunch.
   * If you eat poorly one meal, eat well the next.
   * Hang out with someone who has the same goals and more will power than you. :)

Here are some foods that are currently thought to be good for you.
Smart Food    Why
Banana    Contains potassium and helps to prevent ulcers.
Barley    Lowers cholesterol because it is high in the good fat (HDLs, high-density lipoproteins).
Cheese    Fights cavities because it contains calcium.
Chili peppers    Good for bronchitis, colds, and sinusitis.
Cucumber    Breaks up cholesterol deposits.
Figs    Helps to stabilize blood sugar, which keeps energy levels high.
Fiber    It helps to rid your body of waste and also makes you feel full. Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables and whole-grain cereal. It is not digestible.
Horseradish    It's sharp and strong, but fights colds because the root contains an antibiotic and vitamin C.
Kale    Contains calcium for building bones plus the same beta carotene found in carrots that helps fight germs.
Milk (low fat)    Contains calcium, which helps to build strong teeth and bones.
Prunes    An excellent natural laxative because of their fiber content.
Yogurt    The live culture in yogurt acidophilus helps the body to fight intestine and yeast infections.
Water    The best liquid to drink because it purifies your bloodstream and cleans your cells and tissues.

   * Don't cut out. . . cut back. Eating all kinds of food in moderation makes meals and snacks enjoyable!
   * Enjoy the crunch of raw vegetables instead of the crackle of potato chips, and the natural sweetness of fruit instead of cake and candy.
   * Zap your taste-buds with non-fattening flavourings such as lemon juice, garlic, mustard, herbs, and spices.
   * Replace sour cream with yogurt in dips and on baked potatoes. Try skim milk in recipes.
   * Mix corn or bran flakes with dried fruit from the bulk-food section. (It's much cheaper than pre-mixed cereals, and you can create the combinations you like best!)
   * Increase your fibre intake: choose vegetables like peas and green beans and legumes (like kidney beans and chick peas) that have high fibre contents.

Bread, cereals, and other grains     At least 6     - 1 slice of bread or
- 1/2 bagel or
- 1/2 cup of cooked pasta or rice, or
- 1 ounce of dry cereal or
- 3 cups of popcorn
Vegetables    At least 3    - 1/2 cup of cooked or raw vegetables, or
- 1 cup of raw, leafy vegetables, or
- 3/4 cup of juice
Fruit    At least 2    - 1medium-sized fruit, or
- 1 cup of melon cubes or berries, or
- 3/4 cup of juice, or
- 1/2 banana
Low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt    At least 2    - 1cup of milk or yogurt, or
- 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese, or
- 2 ounces of processed cheese
Lean meat, poultry, fish and meat alternatives    5 to 7 ounces    - 2 to 3 ounces of cooked meat, poultry or fish, or
- Equivalent to 1 ounce of meat : 1 egg, or 1/2 cup of cooked dried beans, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

best of luck
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